Friday, October 19, 2018

Jack Oliveira:Receives medals at the expense of members

Jack Oliveira has been almost 40 years in positions of power inside local union 183.

He has survived all other previous regimes by backstabbing, playing people and accusing others of many doings he was an accomplice too.

Some relevant names are,  Tony Dionisio and Durval Terceira.
Jack Oliveira was Tony Dionisio right arm.
Jack Oliveira was an executive board member under Durval Terceira, who he back-stabbed.

These days his ego grows bigger as he now climbs the ladder of success at the expense of the members to promote himself at the highest instances of government by favoring the Portuguese community, his friends, his hired family members and bought politicians.

Jack Oliveira receives a medal from Portugal's president for his favoritism in regards to the community and all the money he sent to his 'buddies'.

Jack Oliveira receiving a medal from Portugal's president Marcelo Sousa

Bellow, Portuguese secretary of state awards Jack Oliveira with a 
Merit Portuguese community medal

Medal for Portuguese favoritism and Portuguese community    

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